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Sr   High      Kayak  Trip 
June    22nd - 27th 

Journey down the river in your own kayak. Students will spend this session camping on the riverbanks of the Au Sable. With more fun around every bend in the river this camp always provides a great experience that challenges physically as well as spiritually. This camp has limited space available so register now.

Check-in: Sunday, June  22nd @  3pm

Check-out: Friday, June 27th   @ 4pm

Dean's Bio: Shelley Gilpin

Hi. My name is Shelley Gilpin. I’ve been working with youth and teens since high school and am currently the Youth Minister at Community Christian Church in St. John’s Michigan. I have also worked and volunteered at Rock Lake Christian Assembly for over 40 years. My favorite area to serve is through off-site camps most especially river trips. I’ve led approximately 20 river trips on the Au Sable River over the past 13 years and am looking forward to getting to do that with your teens once again this summer. 

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