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Proposed Amendments to
Bylaws &  Articles of Association

Statement of belief page 2.jpg

The Trustees of Rock Lake Christian Assembly Association (RLCAA) have proposed changes to the Articles of Association and Bylaws. These proposed changes will come before our supporting churches to be voted upon at our Annual Meeting, Saturday, October 19th at 10am on the campus of Rock Lake Christian Assembly. 

The reasoning behind the proposed amendments is laid out here:

1. The camper base of RLCA is growing rapidly. While sending a student to Rock Lake has a cost to families of roughly $300/weeklong session, the true cost of attending a summer camp session exceeds this significantly (nearly $500/session) and this cost is offset by supporting churches and individuals who subsidize the cost of attending camp through their generosity to the ministry at RLCA. That puts subsidization of enrollment costs at just over $125,000 annually. These resources are currently being provided by the 35 supporting Restoration churches that give regularly to the ministry at RLCA. However, as student enrollment grows, so the amount of necessary subsidization grows and that burden rests upon the shoulders of our generous ministry partners. 

2. As the camper base grows annually, the volunteer base needs to grow by a corresponding amount. Our ministry standard of maintaining a minimum of a 1/4 ratio of faculty/students allows for discipleship to happen here at Rock Lake. However, as our student body increases, our supporting churches are struggling to provide the necessary volume of volunteers to meet our ministry expectations. By allowing like-minded churches to share in the ministry, not only are they able to help subsidize the cost of their summer camp students, but they are also able to help provide volunteers to meet the growing ministry need. There is still an expectation that they would sign and agree to a statement of belief in their application to serve as summer camp faculty.

Current Articles of Association & Bylaws.jpg
Proposed Articles of Association & Bylaws.jpg

The proposed changes to the bylaws will be as follows:
1. The RLCAA Board of Trustees proposes that Rock Lake adopt a written statement of belief as attached

2. The RLCAA Board of Trustees proposes that an amendment be made to Articles 2, 3(D), and 4(B) of the Articles of Association that with regard to supporting churches, RLCA supporting churches may include Restoration Movement Churches or Non-Restoration churches that are in agreement with the RLCA Statement of Belief, that participate financially in the ministry ($1000 giving annually) or participate through volunteer hours (100 hours annually). This amendment also includes corresponding language included in Bylaw item 1.

3. The RLCAA Board of Trustees proposes that an amendment be made to Article 2 of the Articles of Association increasing the total number of trustees serving on the board at a given time; from our current 9 board members to a new minimum of 12 and a maximum of 15 with up to three (3) from supporting Non-Restoration churches that are in agreement with the RLCA statement of faith, and that we achieve 55% attendance to constitute a quorum. (Bylaws 3 D(2)) 

4. The RLCAA Board of Trustees proposes that an amendment be made to items 4(A) and 4(B) of the Bylaws of the Assembly requiring that the President and the Vice-President of the Board of Trustees be "..a member of an independent 'Christian Church/Church of Christ' associated with the Restoration Movement." Additionally, with regard to item 3(E) of the Bylaws, any Trustee appointed by the board to fill a temporary vacancy must be filled from " independent 'Christian Church/Church of Christ' associated with the Restoration Movement"

Please feel free to reach out to myself, Tim St. Louis or any of the Trustees listed below for clarification regarding proposed changes to the Articles of Association, Bylaws, and the Statement of Belief.

We appreciate your investment in the ministry here at Rock Lake Christian Assembly and desire to be good stewards of the resources that God has entrusted to our care, most important of which is the people that He puts before us. Our desire is to continue boldly proclaiming the Gospel to future generations, that they would grow in faith, love, and service to the King. 

Tim St. Louis, Director

517-507-1362 cell


Board of Trustees


Tony Russell
Ferris Church of Christ

Jessica Lucchesi
First Church of Christ Mt P.


Rhonda Gilbert
McBride Church of Christ

Financial Secretary
Kristin Hoyt
St. Louis Church of Christ

Don Engler
Coe Church of Christ

Pam Hager
DeWitt Christian Church

Justin Lilley
Outreach Christian Church

Bruce Telfer
DeWitt Christian Church

Logan Sackett
Ferris Church of Christ

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